Music in Nazi Germany The maestro and the cellist of Auschwitz | DW DocumentaryWhy was classical music so important to Hitler and Goebbels? The stories of Jewish cellist Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, who survived Auschwitz, and of star conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler, who worked with the Nazis, provide insight. The film centers around two people who represent musical culture during the…… Continue reading Music in Nazi Germany

Style Wars When director Tony Silver and co-producer Henry Chalfant delivered the broadcast version of their prize-winning film to PBS in 1983, the world received its first full immersion in the phenomenon that had taken over New York City.The urban landscape was physically transformed by graffiti artists who invented a new visual language to express both…… Continue reading Style Wars

Categorized as 198..., art

What Makes Art Valuable? What makes a piece of art worth tens of millions dollars at auction? A number of things, but not always the things you’d think. BBC’s The World’s Most Expensive Paintings chronicles the world’s ten most valuable paintings, by way of journalist Alastair Sooke’s guided tour of the collectors, locales, and Christie’s and Sotheby’s auction…… Continue reading What Makes Art Valuable?

Little Big Berlin – by pilpop Drected by pilpop.Original File: Diesen wundervollen Film widme ich meiner Stadt Berlin in der ich seit 19 Jahre lebe. Die Berliner Architektur ist zwar besonders schön, aber erst mit den Berlinern wird Berlin zu so einer einmaligen schönen Stadt wie sie eine ist. Man kann an jedem Eck etwas besonderes entdecken … More: