Professor Ian Plimer – Renowned Australian Geologist Discusses Real Science Behind Climate Change Professor Ian Plimer is a prominent Australian Geologist, a former professor of Mining Geology at the University of Adelaide, and Emeritus Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Melbourne. He joins us to discuss the real science behind Climate Change, explaining changing climate patterns throughout history that prove the bad science and fallacies…… Continue reading Professor Ian Plimer – Renowned Australian Geologist Discusses Real Science Behind Climate Change

Before Pangaea In 1860, Phillip Slater, the secretary of the British Zoological Society, came up with an interesting theory. He discovered over 29 different kinds of lemur species in Madagascar, which was significantly more than just 12 species in the entire African continent and three in the Indian subcontinent. He realized that Madagascar was the primordial…… Continue reading Before Pangaea

OVERVIEW – Apollo 8 In 1968, Apollo 8 went to the moon. They didn’t land but they did circle the moon and, as was shown on television, at a certain point one of the astronauts casually said that they’re gonna turn the camera around and show us the Earth. And he did… and that was the first time…… Continue reading OVERVIEW – Apollo 8