Fascinating Universe

https://youtu.be/LFToko-ksWI 2+ Hours Of Exploring Our Fascinating Universe | Full Series | BBC Earth ScienceIs our solar system shaped like a croissant? Is there really alien life on Venus? Discover the extraordinary explorers that are journeying through our cosmos on a quest to uncover the unknown… Best of Earth Science: http://bit.ly/EarthLabOriginalsBest of BBC Earth: http://bit.ly/TheBestOfBBCEarthVideos~…… Continue reading Fascinating Universe

Apollo 11

https://youtu.be/Gk-0V53HoQI Apollo 11: How Did NASA Land A Man On The Moon? | To The Moon | Progress- – -n 1962 President John F. Kennedy declared his desire to land a man on the moon before the end of the decade. At that point in time America was struggling to successfully launch satellites, yet 7…… Continue reading Apollo 11

Is the Universe Fine Tuned for Life?

John Michael Godier https://youtu.be/UvAkcqoPGKk An exploration of the fine tuning problem in astrophysics and why the universe appears to have parameters just so for matter and ultimately life to exist.