The Poison in Us All PFAS chemicals are used in thousands of products aimed at making life easier. But the chemicals are now almost everywhere, including in human blood, and are being linked to severe health problems. Correction Note: At 37:45, this video incorrectly identifies the year Minnesota’s ban on PFAS in food packaging will begin. The ban takes…… Continue reading The Poison in Us All

The expert(s) explain global warming myth The experts explain the global warming myth: John Coleman.John coleman is the founder of the Weather Channel, the original weatherman on Good Morning America and now the lead meteorologist here at KUSI-TV.

Troubled Waters – Overfishing DOCUMENTARY ABOUT IMPACTS OF OVERFISHING.Created as a student film project, Troubled Waters explores what has happened to our oceans because of our appetite for seafood, and looks what we can do personally to kick start a reformed fishing industry. This film was created by two students – Matthew Judge, who wrote, shot and produced…… Continue reading Troubled Waters – Overfishing

Poisoned Land: The Rural Rise of Parkinson’s Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive neurological disorder that has no cure. It causes extreme stiffness in the limbs and uncontrollable shaking and tremors, among other symptoms. It is the fastest rising neurological disease in the world today that Specialists call it a “Parkinson’s pandemic.”In recent years, several studies in various parts of the world…… Continue reading Poisoned Land: The Rural Rise of Parkinson’s