Neanderthal in us What remains of the Neanderthal in us?Since his first bones were discovered in Germany in 1856, Neanderthals have raised many questions in our minds. Why did it disappear 30,000 years ago? Do we still have some of his genes in us? What does the work on deciphering the Neanderthal genome give? Director: Tamara Spitzing,…… Continue reading Neanderthal in us

Troubled Waters – Overfishing DOCUMENTARY ABOUT IMPACTS OF OVERFISHING.Created as a student film project, Troubled Waters explores what has happened to our oceans because of our appetite for seafood, and looks what we can do personally to kick start a reformed fishing industry. This film was created by two students – Matthew Judge, who wrote, shot and produced…… Continue reading Troubled Waters – Overfishing

How artificial light threatens nature DW Documentary.Light can be deadly. Many animals and plants are threatened by artificial light. Numerous organisms have found their evolutionary niche in the dark of night, and now have to adapt to bright nights. Not all of them succeed. More than half of all animals are nocturnal. Their sensory organs, their behavior, their orientation…… Continue reading How artificial light threatens nature

Realities Of Health Realities Of Health (Interesting & Important)”The kind of psychological stress that kills you is when your whole world is turned upside down; when your place within society disappears. So you lose your job, you lose your house . . . you completely cannot sustain your family . . . These big life-changing times of…… Continue reading Realities Of Health

The WORST grains for your GUT William Davis, M.D. | mbg PodcastWelcome to the mindbodygreen podcast! Each week, host Jason Wachob, founder and co-CEO of mindbodygreen, engages in open, honest conversations with the people shaping the world of well-being. Today’s featured guest is William Davis, M.D., a cardiologist and New York Times bestselling author. “Doctors should be experts nutrition and…… Continue reading The WORST grains for your GUT