Fighting disinfo <OR> What are they talking about?

Whose Truth? The vaccine, BBC World Service
How Nobel Prize laureate Katalin Karikó got caught up in the Covid vaccine disinformation wars. Click here to subscribe to our channel 👉🏽 Scientist Katalin Karikó helped develop the mRNA technology behind one of the Covid vaccines but as disinformation about the vaccine spread, she found herself accused of wanting to “eliminate and kill people”. As she got caught up in the Covid vaccine disinformation wars, she responded by coming out of the lab, and engaging with her detractors. Katalin tells her story to Babita Sharma. And US educator and artist Young Elder tells Babita how she helped to build trust in the vaccine among Baltimore’s black community. She works with Hip Hop Health, an organisation combating health and vaccine disinformation, started by rapper Doug E Fresh.


Katherine has uncovered specific changes to the US laws that have over the years lead to the current events which she characterizes as a domestic bioterrorism and mass murder masquerading as a public health emergency response. We discuss the key aspects of law that enabled subversion of people’s Constitutional rights, use of fear and propaganda and other unlawful acts by the US Government and Department of Defense. She explains that the “clinical trials” or “approval” are not applicable regulatory frameworks in case of the covid-19 injection “countermeasures”. Katherine has created a website as a resource for individual citizens who want to file complaints or lawsuits on their own called “Five Small Stones”” | More information on Katherine’s work can be found using these links: | The other shortest versions: | | | DOD contracts for covid countermeasures: | Sasha Potypova on bitchute: | |Team Enigma is a group of international pharmaceutical R&D professionals, academic researchers and data analysts working on analysis of public health datasets with respect to covid vaccines’ side effects. Visit for more information. Mirrored from: