How to treat unvaccinated <OR> This is about compliance

The best performance of Steven Paikin of TVO.

What Should We Do About the Unvaxxed? | TVO: The Agenda, 2022.
How should Canadian society as a whole approach the percentage of the population that remains unvaccinated – hovering around 12 per cent – some of whom are ardent anti-vaxxers? Prime Minister Trudeau says Canadians should ask, “Do we tolerate these people?” Quebec’s response has been additional health-care costs for those who refuse the shot. Some European nations are going further, with full out vaccinate mandates. The Agenda asks whether unvaccinated people should be accommodated or restricted.


The Omicron Con, Sanctions On Unvaxed & After 3 Months Vaxed More Likely To Be Infected Than Unvaxed… (2021)