Yummy, yummy <OR> Titanium Dioxide and other food additives

/ 2023 / … Now that I am working with TiO2, I wanted to know if it was safe and if so, how safe? There are chemicals out there are will kill you in a heartbeat and others that we need to live. There are some where the difference between helping and harming is just the dosage amount. Where does TiO2 fall in this? WARNING!! I am NOT a doctor and I don’t even play one on TV. I am an engineer and understand scientific methodology. I encourage you to do you own research to see what conclusions you come up with. My end conclusion is that TiO2 is very safe as a general rule. As with any fine particulate, I wouldn’t want to breath it in if I could avoid it. Here are the links I used in my research about TiO2: FDA: https://www.fda.gov/industry/color-ad…
Michigan State University, Center for Research on Ingredient Safety: https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/titaniu…
National Library of Medicine: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti…
Chemical Safety Facts: https://www.chemicalsafetyfacts.org/c…
European food Safety Authority: https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/news/ti…
healthline: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/…


/ 2019 / … Sign the petition here: https://you.wemove.eu/campaigns/suppo… STOP PUTTING HARMFUL ADDITIVES IN OUR FOOD! Support the removal of white colourant E171 (Titanium Dioxide) IT IS URGENT TO ACT! Consumers’ health should always be protected and put first. Join us with the petition to call the European Commission to uphold the French suspension of the unnecessary and potentially harmful food additive E171 and extend it to the whole EU. *** A series of crucial European meetings will decide the fate of the white food colourant E171. However, civil society groups across Europe raise questions about a new industry study released ahead of this meeting which could turn the tables in favour of industry lobby groups on this major issue. We urge the European Commission and the national experts to uphold the French ban on E171, based on the strong expertise already brought together by the French food safety agency (ANSES) and the important number of independent studies already published. As all Europeans deserve the same high level of protection, we call on European decision-makers to extend the French measure EU-wide. *** Titanium dioxide (TiO2), also known as E171 in our food, is very commonly used as a white colourant in food, but also in paints, coatings, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and even in toothpaste. E171 is a mix of TiO2 particles which can be defined as nanoparticles. Because of their extremely small size, nanoparticles can squeeze through natural protective barriers of the human body and pass into the liver, lungs or the whole digestive system. Scientific uncertainties surround E171 and prevent its complete risk assessment. The French expressed concerns regarding the toxicity of E171 and decided to ban products containing E171 as of 1st January 2020. The French ban of E171 will be discussed in a European meeting on Monday 16th September. But a recent study has concluded that E171 causes no adverse effects on human health. However, it is important to note that this study received financial support from three industry lobby groups – the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), the Titanium Dioxide Manufacturers Association (TDMA) and the International Association of Color Manufacturers (IACM) – which all have substantial commercial interests. We fear that this recently published research may turn the tables in favour of industry lobby groups rather than consumers’ health in the upcoming European meeting. IT IS URGENT TO MAKE OUR VOICE BEING HEARD! Join us with the petition to call the European Commission to uphold the French suspension of the unnecessary and potentially harmful food additive E171 and extend it to the whole EU. Consumers’ health should always be protected and put first. === We are Safe Food Advocacy Europe (SAFE), Agir pour l’Environnement, European Environmental Citizens’ Organisation for Standardisation. *** The video uses graphic materials designed by brgfx, Vextok, macrovector, davidzydd, Freepik, vectorpouch, Cornecoba, rawpixel.com, iconicbestiary, stockgiu, Starline available on Freepik…
/ 2023 / … Discover the jaw-dropping truth about everyday foods that are allowed in the United States but banned around the world! From chemically-treated farm-raised salmon to hormone-laden dairy products, toxic additives hiding in your favorite snacks, and even questionable ingredients in popular beverages. Join me as I uncover the shocking reality behind these hidden food dangers and reveals why other countries have taken a stand against them. Don’t miss out on this eye-opening video! Watch the full episode now and protect yourself and your loved ones from these controversial ingredients. Make food simple: https://go.drlivingood.com/free-mfs-b… Recommended Videos: Farm Raised Salmon EXPOSED…what you’re actually eating:    • Farm Raised Salmon EXPOSED…what you…   Eat This, Not That!    • Eat This, Not That!   —- Don’t know where to start on your journey to better health and living? Get a copy of my FREE book here: https://www.livingooddailybook.com/ld… Shop all Livingood Daily Products on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/6F… Follow and listen to Dr. Livingood on any of these platforms: Facebook –   / drlivingood   Instagram –   / drlivingood   TikTok –   / drlivingood   Pinterest –   / _shop   Blog – https://drlivingood.com/real-health/ Podcast – https://anchor.fm/dr-livingood Medium.com –   / drblakelivingood   LinkedIn:   / drlivingood   Twitter:   / doctorlivingood  
/ 2023 / … Closer look at American food banned in other countries.
Many popular foods processed and approved for human consumption in the U.S. are banned in other countries, often due to a single ingredient or additive. We asked an expert at a Purdue testing lab about different standards. Dyes like Yellow 5, Yellow 6 and Red 40 are banned in the European Union after scientific research indicated they could be harmful to health. America also permits GMOs, something else banned in the EU. “We do fast, cheap and easy in America. And everything in excess.” Full Breakdown: https://www.wthr.com/article/money/co…